"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

End of Another School Year

So happy we made it thru another one. :)  And, boy!  Our kids did a great job!  Just have to brag a bit... All of them got super grades and were very responsible with their work.  Katie is on the Dean's List again-- with a 4.0 this semester.  It was a lot of work, especially with 15 credits and memorizing 2 books of the Bible at the same time.  Jenna, Claire, and Micah each got awards at school and all A's.  Micah swept the 2nd grade math awards (are you surprised?).  Will be fun to see where this talent takes him some day.

Below is Micah's wonderful 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Swacina.  Sweet lady with such a heart.
And we are all SUPER excited that it's summer!  Love having the kids home.  Plus, my responsibilities slow down a bunch for the summer.  March, April, May are just nuts. 

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Wingert crew! I bet it's a little sad when your youngest kid gets finished learning from one of your family's favorite teachers and you know you won't be able to have her around anymore. You guys sure seem to have been able to put your kids (especially during the early years) in the tutelage of some real gems...
