"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Antietam Rec with Micah

This year, only the elementary went to Antietam Rec.  Middle School went to the new Skyzone in Hagerstown (J and C loved it!).  Since Micah is our only one left in elementary, he and I got to spend the day together.  Fun!  The weather was perfect!!  After so many days of rain and even cold this spring, it was such a treat to have 75 degrees.
Micah ran first for the zipline.  Bravely hopped right off and tried to catch leaves as he zoomed past.

I enjoyed watching him be very competitive with some older kids at 4 Square and Gaga.  Both games he enjoys and is pretty good at.

This barge, like last year, was probably his favorite activity of the day.  He LOVES standing on it and pulling it back and forth across the creek.  Maybe we should build a creek and a barge in our backyard!  He did it for more than 30 min straight.  Maybe even longer. 

Rope swing

He got to hold a bunny, kitten, and duckling.  Loved this, too.  I mostly sat outside the petting zoo so I wouldn't get all sneezy-- zoomed in quickly for this photo.  Our kids all would love more pets.  My allergies prevent this (thus, we have a fish and a gecko).  I think they all want pets when they grow up. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a blast! And that's a really nice shot of Micah and the bunny.
