"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, April 15, 2016

Outdoor School

Last week, Jenna and Claire went with Grace's middle school to Outdoor School.  Despite yucky weather (cold 3 days and very rainy one day), they had a good time!  Praise the Lord for answers to prayer that we didn't even specifically pray.

Claire was apprehensive (it's her first time) and one of the teachers offered to let Claire ride in her car-- this was terrific!  And, on the first day, the girls got soaked because of doing archery in the rain.  (Sounds like fun, huh?)  Another teacher loaned Claire her tennis shoes so Claire wouldn't have to have wet feet for 3 days!

They enjoyed the food, had fun in their cabins, and of course enjoyed not doing regular school work. :)

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