"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, April 15, 2016

Field Trip on Micah's Bday

Happy 8th bday, Micah!  I can't believe it's been 8 years already! 
We can't imagine life without you, Buddy.
So excited that I got to spend the whole day with Micah on his bday!  His class went to Children's Safety Village on Thur and Fri.  Thur was the police safety day, and Friday I got in on the fire safety.  Kinda nice because I had been to Children's Village with both Katie and Jenna, and both of those times I hit police safety.  Now I know how to stop, drop and roll!

We spent the day with a terrific firefighter named Zack.  He had the kids work in groups to figure out different safety tools.

We walked across the "street" to some other buildings, and the kids practiced how to use a crosswalk.  See some winter coats?  Weird for April-- we had snow flurries in the morning.

Here are the little cars the kids got to drive the day before

Kids practicing

Using this model house, Zack was able to show the kids how smoke spreads.  He could make smoke enter it, open and shut doors, open and shut windows).  Great visual for the kids.  He showed them how to make an escape plan.

The kids got to use these phones to practice calling 911.  He told them this was the only place in the world that they could practice this. :)  Funny, the kids didn't know what the payphone was, and the phones with cords look rather outdated also.  To practice, the kids went up one by one, chose a phone, called 911, and Zack answered from a phone on the other side of the room. They had to practice saying their address and answering questions.

One of the most impacting parts was this tour of a burned house.  This house burned in 1986.  They left everything "as is" and moved it to the Children's Village location-- put it on a new foundation and built brick walls around it.  Now the kids can all hear the story of how someone started oil heating in a pan to make french fries, and then they fell asleep on the couch-- and how they tried to fight the fire themselves but made it worse-- and how they didn't call 911 immediately.

Don't know if you can see the degree signs on the wall.  Pretty amazing.

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