"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, April 15, 2016

Easter 2016

I don't have pictures of the Good Friday service at church, but it was really special.  Such a good reminder.  
Then, this is Easter...
The Four Cutest Kids Ever

Micah explains to us what Grandma's Resurrection eggs mean

Coconut cake!

We had 3 services Easter morning to accommodate
all the extra people.  No adult classes.  Many of us went to one service and worked in another.  Then we drove to PA to be with Chad's parents and Jer and Dani

Ask K about her rubber chicken. :)

Micah loves Grandma's Easter egg hunts
Had to play some games

The girls have always loved playing with Gpa's hair.  (Wow, he's patient!)

One of the upsides (and downsides) of Katie's school work now-- it travels

The first bike ride Micah ever enjoyed!

Isn't this cute?  Anita made these for each of us

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