"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Steenwyks visit

Mom and dad were last Thur p.m. to Tues a.m.  Very nice visit!  Time to do some projects, play games, relax, etc.  Dad even got to read some books and look at old photo albums. :)  We also introduced them to Chopped and Monk.  I think both went over better with mom than dad. :)

Dad and I (that means I held boards and listened to him figure it out:) built a new headboard for our bed.  Can't wait for the weather to warm up a bit so I can paint it black! It's just beautiful.

And I'm super happy with the new ceiling fan in our dining area!  I didn't take pics of the new light fixture in the office or the new showerhead. 

Mom tried out my bassoon.  It's been several years since she played it!

They had to leave in the middle of some yucky ice.  Thankful for a safe trip back!

1 comment:

  1. Nice headboard! Also sad to see the snow piles have vanished :(
