"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Micah's First Winning Story!

Micah rather shocked us... none of us had ever seen anything like this come from his pencil! Generally, he will tell you he hates to write anything (except lists or numbers, of course).  So, we just didn't know he had it in him!  Below is his 1st place entry in the Creative Writing contest at school last month.  

 MY DAY AS A SNOWFLAKE                by Micah Donald Wingert
        I would be falling down, down, down, and when I hit the ground, I would be laying there, laying, laying, laying. Poor me, just facing the sky, waiting, waiting, waiting, for a sight, for a sound.
It’s turning, turning, turning into daytime. I’m still sitting, sitting, sitting there. Still I’m waiting, waiting, waiting for something to happen.
But then, right at 6:00 in the morning, BOOSH! Five kids come running out the door! Of course, I got stepped on a lot, but when I saw the kids making snowmen and having snowball fights, I even started having fun.
But then, I got scared to death, because somebody actually picked me up! And then I noticed that they were making me into a snowball! I was so scared because they were going to throw me soon! So then they threw me and I hit someone in the face! It hurt a little bit, but it was fun.
Well, I hit the ground and then I started to melt, melt, melt.

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