"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Claire's Heart Day

Wednesday was Claire's check up at Johns Hopkins.  She and I went together and we had a fantastic day!
It was lovely to relax at home for a couple hours, and then we drove (the one nasty part of the day-- rain and quite foggy) to Baltimore.  Her appointments lasted about 2 1/2 hours.  Below you can see her getting ready for her echo.  Claire was a bit nervous about the medical stuff, but it all went very well.  The nurses and doctors and techs are SO nice. We've always been very pleased with them.
Results:  Everything looks so good that she can wait 3 years to go back!  Yippee!

A big part of the fun of our Hopkins trip this time and last time was enjoying the new Children's Center.  Claire loves the creative and colorful furniture and artwork. 

Above (tall part with some colorful windows) is the Children's Center.
After that we went to the Inner Harbor.  Parked at the closest (and probably most expensive) garage and walked thru rain to Barnes and Noble.  Such a very cool old building. We loved looking at the exposed escalator.  We looked at books and read for a while before mozying over to an indoor shopping area.

Then we ate at The Cheesecake Factory.  Mmm!  Claire asked me if kids were allowed in there. :)
We had delicious food (the pizza was what Claire ordered-- she was a bit shocked to get a whole pizza!) and had a fun time talking.  For the first time, I told her pretty much everything I could remember about finding out about her heart problem and her birth and her surgery, etc. Pretty special to review how God took care of us!
And when we left, it was pretty to see the lights by the harbor!


  1. Sounds like a perfect mom/daughter bonding day!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. What a fantastic day together on a rainy day, getting such great news (3 years!!!) and enjoying B and N and my favorite restaurant of all time.
