"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, August 28, 2015

Wingert Reunion Week

Sorry everything's in such random order...
Lily, Jenna, Katie, Madison look at old yearbooks.  Notice Katie's reverting to her childhood. :) 

Claire plays with Jake at the Fry cabin

Lily by the creek 

Playing a game on the porch.  Scattergories?

Micah and Caleb and Gma and Gpa's house
Claire's beautiful drawing.  She is so talented!

Micah takes meds for his poison ivy.  Sure wish I had thought to get a photo when his face and ears were swollen and red!

Chad and Nate mess with fire

Beautiful Lily!

Caleb and Jake try out our slide

Chad's foot on The Spot
Same pj's!

The girls all draw together

Book reunion in the East-- Round Robin pingpong at Don and Anita's

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