"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Boston, Massachusetts-- July 29

We walked the Freedom Trail.  Was a very hot, exhausting day!
If you can zoom in on the street performer above, you can see her lovely hairdo

At the Marketplace, we watched a breakdancing group called the Breeze Team-- they were good!  A little odd, but it was fun to watch!

Old North Church-- kids were interested in the box seats, etc; and we liked the gift shop with AC next door. :) 

The ferry back
This park turned out to be the kids' favorite part of the day-- I think because we were so hot and exhausted.  Chad agreed to run back to get our van and pick us up here.  I bought the kids an Italian ice and a bottled water to share.  Perked them right up... they started arguing again within about 10 min. :) 

Yes, Claire has a straw in her mouth.  No, she is not drinking from the weirdly shaped fountain!

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