"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, February 20, 2015

Footh Tairy

So, this is mostly an update of our week, but, if you're just skimming, look for the Tooth Fairy comment...

Monday Chad took Micah to Harrisburg for the day.  In the afternoon, he felt about 20 min of pain while he was driving.  Didn't mention it to me.

Monday pm we got 3-4 inches of snow, so kids had no school on Tues.  I went to Dulles for the day to spend time with mom and dad on their layover.  Got home around 5pm.  Chad had been having that pain for a little while again, and he didn't look so good.  We had 2 friends over for Claire and Micah, and they needed a ride home to Williamsport.  Since Chad was in pain, I took them home around 6:30.  Got home and we decided to head to the ER.  (BTW, we went to Meritus, the "new" (4 yrs old now!) hospital in Hagerstown.  Hadn't had to be there yet.)

While at the ER, Chad's pain went away, but on the CT scan, they found a 6mm kidney stone.  So far, this has turned into a bit of a rueful joke.  He hasn't had any more pain (except a small bit yesterday morning) yet, but he feels like a walking time bomb.  And he's hearing all sorts of horror stories from people.  Really makes you look forward to getting this over with, you know?

Anyway, Micah lost a tooth Tuesday while I was in D.C.  With everything going on, it got rather forgotten.  He went to bed with no mention of the tooth that was on the counter.  On Wed, he mentioned it, and I said the tooth fairy hadn't felt well so it didn't work out (he knows Chad is the tooth fairy :).

Then Wed was nuts for me.  Besides being really tired, I had to drive Katie to Spring Mills, get a couple groceries, teach 13 lessons and one Fine Arts rehearsal at Grace, drive 3 kids home, teach one lesson, go get Katie from Spring Mills, get leftovers on the table and run out to a longer bells practice.  Church was cancelled because of snow/ice, so they all stayed home and I got back around 7:30.  Micah went right to bed when I got home.  Again, the tooth remained (buried under a bunch of paperwork) on the counter.

Finally, yesterday evening, we had time to deal with the tooth.  Micah reminded me before he went to bed, so he could put it in the little tooth pillow and take it with him to his room.  One of the girls said, "The tooth fairy didn't come yet??"  Micah's response, "No, the tooth fairy has a kidney stone!"

1 comment:

  1. Priceless! (Not the tooth, I'd imagine, just Micah's comment.) That kid's a hoot.
