"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, February 5, 2015

First Ski Trip!

So, we've had 3 days off school so far this year.  I'm not complaining too much because I LOVE being home with the kids those days, but there's no way they needed to cancel any of those days. :)  It IS fun to be home, tho.  One of the days, Chad went in to work and then, after he came home at 4pm, he took Katie and Jenna for their first time skiing!  They went to Whitetail in Mercersburg, PA.  Katie picked it up very quickly and thought it was a blast.  Jenna was terrified the whole time (are you surprised?), but she also really enjoyed it and would like to go again. Too bad it costs and arm and a leg.

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