"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, February 2, 2015

Enjoying Snow

The kids are itching for a great amount of snow-- so far, they have made do with our puny little bits.  We've had 3 days off school, but only 1-3 inches at a time.  This particular snowfall was nice for sledding in our yard because it was really wet and rather icy.  The kids have found out that the new slope we made beside the new (wonderful) steps makes a nice little sledding hill.  Of course, they have to go across our driveway and end up just about in the neighbor's yard, but it they sure have had fun with it-- esp when Chad spins them on the saucers.  
Since our lot is pretty hilly, you'd think we'd have more sledding spots, but there's always something in the way-- trees or rock outcroppings or the house. 

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