"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Van Update

A month ago or so, a woman pulled out in front of Chad while he was driving our van.  He was mostly able to avoid her, but there was a nice scrape and small dents on our van.  Her insurance paid the $2500 or so to get it fixed and for our rental van for the 2 weeks or so it took.  The kids enjoyed riding in the rental (left), and we were thankful for how it all worked out.  PTL for safety!
We're also thankful for the mechanic we've had the past year or two.  He is a dad from school-- opened a shop right down the road from Grace-- picks up our vehicles from the Grace parking lot and returns them all while Chad's at work-- and seems to be doing a great job with a helpful attitude.

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