"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The Long Winter by Claire

The Long Winter by Claire Wingert

Snow has been falling forever!
Constantly, since November!

Winter seems that it won't stop
It's stopping up the farmer's crop.

My love for snow has gone downhill
As far as I know, its descending still.

Grass has never seemed so green
The color is becoming so unseen.

Finally, spring is sneaking up behind
No snow tomorrow we will find.

Green grass reaching up to the sky,
Winter saying it's last cold goodbye.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Claire! This poem is beautiful, concise, vivid, and just all-around wonderful. The "my love for snow" couplet (look that word up if you need to) is my favorite one and reminds me a little bit of a very funny poet, Shel Silverstein. Thanks for sharing your lovely poem with us! Aunt Danielle & I can't wait to see you and the family again this weekend...
