"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, March 3, 2014

Remembering Chad's Uncle Jerel

This is a photo of Chad's Uncle Jerel, who passed away last Thursday.  He was Anita's brother (the 4th out of the 7 kids; Anita is the 6th).  Jerel was a pastor in the Brethren in Christ church (in IL, CA, PA, IN) for 37 years total.  For the last several years, they lived back in PA, a half hour or so from Chad's parents.

We were all able to attend the funeral on Saturday, and it was a blessing for our family.  At any Christian funeral, it's always a good reminder to me of what really is important in life.  It was also good for us all to hear so much family history, to reconnect with the Book family that's in the area (the rest is in CA, KS, MO), and for our kids to experience it all.

This has to be something they'll remember.  Lots of questions before it.  Some questions after.  When everyone was in line for the viewing before the service, Claire asked if she could touch Uncle Jerel's body when we got up there.  Both she and Micah wanted to touch him.  I  don't know if I ever had that much curiosity!   I know Micah was processing the whole thing we've told him-- about how the "real" Uncle Jerel is now in heaven with Jesus.

Before we went, I imagined a FRIGID graveside ceremony, because I was remembering the one for Gma Wingert.  (Yikes, that was cold and windy!)  However, it really wasn't that cold, and it was right next to the church, so there was no long processional.

Jerel was a special uncle to Chad when he was growing up-- a fun, caring person.  He touched a lot of lives through his 73 years.  A Godly example to many.  And he was full of funny poems.  Nice that his family now has those to help them remember Jerel.

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