"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, October 5, 2013


Katie and Jenna are both in the middle of their volleyball seasons (less than 3 weeks to go).  It's been a lot of fun to watch them!  Both have learned a lot and have definitely enjoyed themselves.  Last night, Katie's team played (quite well!) Heritage, the team that's undefeated.  The first time Katie played them, the score was something like 1 to 25.  Yikes. Last night, the girls were thrilled to have improved quite a bit-- I think the score was 17 to 25 on one of the games.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm a little disappointed the season is over and I won't get to see Katie & Jenna strut their volleyball stuff anymore. I so thoroughly enjoyed seeing my nieces in action! Hopefully they'll try a spring sport so I'll have that to look forward to in a few months. Or are you hoping that's not the case because all that driving is exhausting (and expensive)? I know Katie was thinking about track & field, so let her know her Uncle Jer will be in the front row cheering his head off if she does. : )
