"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Papa's Farm Talk

This past weekend, my parents were here.  On Monday morning, my dad was the guest speaker in Micah's kindergarten class!  They are learning about different occupations, and farmer was the first one.  (Since then, they've done pastor and dentist)  Papa and Grammy worked together to get some photos together and then Papa explained them to the 5-year-olds.  Chad watched the whole thing.  Guess it was kinda funny hearing my dad try to explain "dilemma", "mechanism", "no-till farming". :)  The kids must have really enjoyed it; because afterwards most of the class raised their hands saying they wanted to be farmers when they grow up!

Later in the day, Grammy read to Micah's class and to Claire's class.  What else did we do on their visit?  Went to Jenna and Katie's 3 volleyball games Friday pm, visited with Chad's parents and Jer and Dani, introduced Papa and Grammy to Sweet Frog, mom and I played some piano/organ, discussed how to revamp my flower beds, visited with a family from church, went to church, Cracker Barrel, started Chad and Claire's bday seasons.  

1 comment:

  1. No wonder I came home tired! I blamed thirteen hours in the car, but it was an old lady trying to live like a kid!

    BTW, dilemma was my word (used to talk about a plethora of books and so little time to read!) and Sweet Frog is what I used to explain it. They certainly knew Sweet Frog in the Kindergarten class!
