"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Field Day

Yesterday was Field Day at Grace.  Fun to have a different schedule.  Fun for me to get to know Micah's classmates better.  But, boy!  It was a hot day.  The elementary did all their outdoor activities before lunch, but still, near noon I think it was about 85 degrees, esp hot when the sun came out.
Micah's got a really nice class, but they are a bunch of 5 year olds.  Several tending to cry and almost all are worried about the other kids not doing what they are supposed to.  Didn't help that his teacher was sick-- I'm sure that threw them off as well.  
So!  It had it's fun moments, but it was also a difficult day.  For several years I've tried to stay FAR away from field day because the girls didn't handle things well when I was around.  I think next year, I may try that method again. :) 
Micah got hurt at least 3 times.  And he really was hurt, because I saw them happen.  He finished his crying pretty quickly, tho, and was ready to play again.  They all were QUITE ready for lunch and a video at noon!  And I am quite sure the sub didn't earn enough that day.

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