"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, March 8, 2013


Jenna was invited to a friend's bday party at a roller skating rink.  I also took Claire and Katie so the 3 of us could skate.  Yes, I skated, too!  I used to LOVE it when we had Freedom skating parties, but I've not skated much as an adult.  Mostly because of back issues, but my back has been pretty stable for the last 3 years, so I tried it.  Fun!  Claire took a little while to get going, but she had a lot of fun (til her backside starting hurting from the falls!).  We all enjoyed it-- should go more often!

See Jenna's face?  She wasn't real excited that I was taking her pic. :)
With her good friend Kenzie. 

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