"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

No Stage Fright

This is Micah on stage at church last week.  Sorry, we don't have a better still pic, and I'm not going to post the video because it's embarrassing. :)  Let's just say he doesn't have any stage fright.  I didn't actually see him up there, because my children's choir also sang that day, so I was occupied elsewhere-- when I saw the video later, I could have crawled in a hole.  He sang, oh, yeah!  He sang!  He also did some motions.  He also did extra dance moves and stuck his tongue out at the camera, etc.  I think he was hamming it up because he saw Daddy over there with the camera.  I think before his choir sings for Christmas we'll have to have an in-depth conversation about how to act on stage.


  1. I think I speak for everyone when I say... please show us the video! Your loyal blog audience demands it. : ) In my opinion, there's no such thing as embarrassing video when it comes to nieces & nephews doing things on a stage. But I guess it might feel different if they were my kids...
