"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Hurricane Halloween

 This is what the kids did on the first morning of no school-- piled in our bed and were silly together. :)
 Above-- how are backyard looked on Tuesday, after the worst of the wind went thru.  We had the leaves mostly raked before that...
 Our collaborative jack o'lantern.  The girls helped me plan it; I bought and carved; Jenna found its accessories.
 Ever see a snowman playing piano?
We skipped church last night to do Trick or Treating (yikes!).  Not that Halloween is a priority with us, but we feel like it's one of the only times the neighbors are out (except when there's a marijuana bust and we haven't had one of those since last year :), and we felt like we needed to be friendly with the neighbors.  Micah was a VERY cute clown; Claire was Laura Ingalls; Jenna was a snowman; and Katie was our candy/tract passer-outer.  Cute bunch, eh?  Weather was nice and there were quite a few kids out.

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