"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, October 8, 2012


Well, the big day arrived.  Yesterday, Chad turned 40.  Of course, his actual birth didn't take place until 9:22 pm, so all day he didn't really FEEL 40.  Not until 9:22pm.

He got several cards from friends and family (and I know some more are in the mail), and he had lots of fun opening them.  Thanks to all of you who joined in the celebration!

His bday hit a Sunday, and Sundays during the school year are pretty busy for us; so we just sneaked a few fun things in.  At ABF, one of our friends made him a huge, round cake and another friend brought balloons.  I made sure we had a black tablecloth and black plates/napkins.  There were lots of good "old" jokes.  Garfields for lunch-- delicious food and kids eat free on Sundays (yippee!).  Home for carrot cake and candles and singing, and a quick nap. 

He had several hours to himself (sounds like a treat to me!) while the rest of us went to quizzing and children's choir.  Then we gave him a few presents.  2 of which were DVDs (Cosby Show and Tom and Jerry).  Since there's no school today !!!, we stayed up late and watched some of each.  Best part was listening to Micah laugh. :)

Today we're just hanging out and enjoying Micah's half-birthday.  Had considered a trip to Baltimore, but it's cold and wet.  Decided we needed a home day more.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like between gifts from you and us, Chad had a Cosby birthday theme going... I'd love to hear what the kids think of "The Cosby Show" if you all start watching some episodes together. And happy 4-0 once again, my biggest brother!
