"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, October 26, 2012


This has been one of the games of the week.  Chutes and Ladders.  Maybe my all-time least favorite game!  (OK, maybe not.  I just remembered Scrabble)  Good thing there are usually enough other people around to play this with Micah.  During the school day, I can usually convince him to do other things with me, and then wait until Daddy and the girls come home to play Chutes and Ladders.  He LOVES this-- will happily play it several times in a day.  He loves many, many games.  When the girls were this age, they were into books or crafts or puzzles, but, for at least a year, he's been into games.  And can honestly beat me at several of them.  We played 3 rounds of Blink this morning-- he won 2 of them. His other favorite game this week is Bingo.  Chad got a cool Bingo kit with balls and a spinning gerbil cage thing.  Micah loves to do all sorts of variations of activities with the numbered balls-- sometimes by himself and sometimes with others.

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