"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Chad's CO Jaunt

Chad was very excited to be able to take a long weekend trip to CO.  The plan was to meet up with Nate at Jer's.  It also worked out that Don and Anita were able to be there, so they had a terrific family time.
 Some gorgeous hikes
 Wonderful food-- I think this was the vegetable lasagna Danielle cooked.  Plus, they got to use one of the Porches places, Jer's boss offered it for free.
 An Alpine slide Chad, Nate, and Jer went down.  I think it was almost a 2 minute trip going down.  Another perk of Jer's concierge job-- he had coupons toward this slide.

 Tennis with all 6 of them.

 Aspens looking really pretty

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic pictures and an even fantastic-er long weekend together! We had such a wonderful, unforgettable time with the whole original Wingert clan and wish it could happen on a monthly (or quarterly... or at least semiannual) basis. Thanks for making the time to venture out to beautiful Colorado, Chad! I will never forget the time you & Nate & I got to spend together just the 3 of us, hiking at Fish Creek Falls and up to the Rabbit Ears and staying up late every night talking and laughing at "The Office." I missed you guys as soon as you drove away. :^( But on a brighter note, what indelible memories we forged! :^)
