"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, September 20, 2012


This week Micah counted to 118 by 3's.

He also asked me, "What's 99 + 85?"  I was sick of answering math problems for a while, so I didn't say anything right away.  Pretty soon, he said, "184, right?"  Totally shocked me.  I said, "Where'd you learn that?  How'd you know that?"  He couldn't answer any of my questions, so I was thinking it could be he really figured it out.  Later, Chad thought to ask him some more similar questions, and, sure enough!  He figured out most of them.

How he's doing it, I have no idea.


1 comment:

  1. He sure is a chip off the ol' block! I think math just comes naturally to men of Wingert blood. :^)
