"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


We went camping in Ohio with Eric and Lea Anne and their kids.  Rained the first evening and thru the night, but, thankfully, no more.  Before this, we had not camped anywhere (other than cabins) with all 6 of us, so this was  a bit of a test.  Well, we learned that we'd prefer a camper :) and we at least need to buy a new, waterproof tent.  Thankfully, Eric and Lea Anne had extra space in their camper!
Caught 2 fish in one of the lakes at the campground
2 beautiful smiles!

Silly boys had tons of fun playing together.
Some of the group went swimming in the sandy bottom lake

This was our campsite as we packed up.
Kids loved a ride in the back of Uncle Eric's truck!


  1. And there we were, in sunny, dry North Dakato, with a new, highly recommended, water-proof tent, with no rain to test it's true capability!

    Sounds like it was a fun outing. What campground at what lake?

    1. Hickory Lakes Campground-- has its own little lakes in the campground. Don't put it on your must-see list, tho. We weren't all that favorably impressed. And the bathrooms were disgusting. You know I've been in a lot of bathrooms around the world, and these rank pretty low.
