"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

SD/NE and Heading Home

During the night Tues, there were storms in the area with heavy rain and strong winds. We didn't hear a thing down in Ron and Kathy's basement, tho! Ron was at work, and mom/dad/Kathy were up for a few hours watching the TV and weather since there were tornado warnings. Nice they didn't have to get us up since we were already sleeping in the basement!

The next day we took a day trip into SD and NE. (The makes the total of states 12! :) We saw much water and water damage. In the above pic, the whole railroad bed got washed into the field beyond. Below you can see a truck parked at the end of a driveway-- we're pretty sure both sides of the road are his fields, totally underwater. The man had parked his truck there and we saw him walking to his farm. Had to wade thru water to get there.

Some major wind damage-- not just to one grain bin, but to the whole row.

This is what our van looks like when we're traveling. At least when people are happy. :) Katie does an awesome job of helping Micah and passing food, etc back to the girls in the back. Jenna is fairly neat with her things... and then there's Claire. :)

Katie had an early birthday party at the hotel in IL! This was our last stop with my parents before we split up, so mom improvised with some bakery goodies and a coffee stirrer (no, she didn't light it :). At the bakery mom had gotten from Kathy a bunch of fancy sprinkles and food coloring and tips, etc for cake decorating. Katie loved these-- in fact, she used some last night to make a fancy ice cream sundae for Chad.

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