"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, June 28, 2010

Our trip

I'll summarize our trip in several different postings. Had a GREAT time! So glad we did it. Even with all the driving. :) Above is Thurs pm in Holland, MI, with my mom and brother Mike's family. In the summer, Holland has street performers on Thurs pms. We saw several different musicians/mimes/magicians. Below is a juggler. You can see mom with 2 of our girls sitting in the grass. The performers were neat, but it was about 15 degrees too hot and there were about 500 too many people. :) Afterward, we went to ice cream in Drenthe-- great stuff! Ask Chad about the Hog Trough!

This is Lila, my Grandpa Steenwyk's girlfriend. Micah warmed right up to her.

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