"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, June 28, 2010

Casey's Bakery

We had such fun visiting the bakery! I remember loving it as a child; and now I thoroughly enjoyed seeing our kids' interest in the whole experience. Above-- one evening we watched some of the workers make cinnamon rolls for sale the next morning. Then Uncle Ron let the girls each make a batch of their own! They very much enjoyed making the rolls... and we all enjoyed eating them the next morning. :)

Jenna's painting on the butter-- the more the merrier!

Some racks of sweets... That evening, Uncle Ron gave us a box to fill up with fresh donuts. Then we sat out in the mall and ate them at 9:30pm or so. The girls were noticing that we were the only people in the mall-- that the only people around were the bakery workers. We talked about how Uncle Ron works all night and then sleeps during the day, and one of the girls said, "Then he's nocturnal!" That night, when we made it back to Aunt Kathy's after 10pm, the girls said, "We're getting to be nocturnal, too!"

One of the giant mixing bowls. I think we figured out it was holding about 200 pounds of ingredients.

Thanks a bunch to Ron and Kathy! They were wonderful hosts/private tour guides/etc. :)

These 2 pics show most of the front of the bakery and deli in the mall. I missed the main Casey's sign in the middle-- oops. My mom and aunt Kathy are posing as delighted customers. :) Actually, besides donuts, we all ate a few delightful meals there at the deli. I had a delicious pizatta (sp?) one lunch and an omelette for breakfast.

Here's Amber decorating cakes-- we loved watching this! Up til this time, Claire had it in her head that she wanted to be a hairdresser. Now she's asking if she should be a hairdresser or a baker. :)

All 3 of the girls (and me!) enjoyed watching Amber-- very talented! One cake we watched her do was for a retired electrician-- she used frosting to draw one of those tall power line poles, and it turned out really good. Another time we watched her do a very pink cake... then it wasn't turning out quite like she wanted so she scraped it all off and started over again.

A giant oven with lots of buns in it. The racks rotate like a ferris wheel.

Now, if you've made it all the way thru this far, there are a few videos below. The top 2 are just bakery things for fun. The bottom 1 is of Micah.

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