"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

We're all ODD!

Yes, I turned 37 on Saturday-- and it was a fun day. Chad and the girls, esp Katie, did a lot to help make it nice. Katie made the yummy chocolate cake above.

And now we're all ODD! For 2 more weeks, until Jenna turns 8, we're all odd-- Chad and I are 37, Katie 11, Jenna 7, Claire 5, Micah 1. AND, Chad also figured out that on April 8 (when M turns 2), our ages will total 100. :)

On Sat, we went to Richard and Gabriele's house for raclette. It's a Swiss thing-- that we really enjoyed. Fun to do and fun to eat. If you look in the pic, on the middle of the table is a small oven/grill thing. Cooked potatoes are kept hot on the top. Each person has their own little pan that they load up with toppings-- onions, green onions, marinated red peppers, mushrooms, shrimp, pepperoni, ham, tomatoes, black olives-- and then you lay slices of cheese on top before sliding it under the potato part of the oven. That will heat all your toppings and melt the cheese. Then you put the potatoes on your plate and slide all your toppings onto the potatoes. VERY good!

The kids were also there, but they enjoyed cheese pizza at another table. :) Fun to be with friends on my bday.


  1. super looking cake, katie!

    that is cool with the 100 thing!

  2. Maybe Katie needs to consider an apprenticeship at Casey's! The raclette sounds so good. I must be hungry.
