"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, March 22, 2010

Mt. Vernon

Last week was our spring break. We had probably the most gorgeous weather ever for a mid-March spring break. 70's and sunny every day from Tues to Sun.

On Wed, we celebrated Jenna's bday with Chad's parents in PA. On Thurs morning, we left Micah with them and headed down to VA. Toured Mt. Vernon. Claire wasn't very excited with this whole part of the trip, but I think the other girls found it interesting. I really enjoyed it, but, really Monticello is more interesting.

Girls in front of the mansion.

George and Martha welcomed us kindly.

This pic is for my farmer family. This shelter covers the "Dung Repository" outside their stables.

There's wonderful to-scale replica of the house. The sides of the house go down into the case so you can see the rooms of the house. Fascinating how it's made just like they keep Mt. Vernon-- even down to the green tea cups on the table.

1 comment:

  1. don't you love how we take farm pictures wherever we go? I kept my eye out for John Deere equipment when we were in Mexico :-)
