"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Micah called 911 yesterday.

I had him in the stroller at church because he was in a childcare room with about 8 other older kids while I had handbells practice. (Figured he was safer in the stroller :) Can't do the steps in the stroller, so I went to the elevator-- which he LOVES. He loves the doors... and the buttons. I barely pushed the stroller in and he jabbed the closest button-- "Call for Help".

Guess what? That button automatically dials 911. Didn't know that, did you?

I suddenly heard a phone ringing and it was like we were on speaker phone in the elevator. Then a lady said, "911. Please state your emergency."

I explained to her that we were in an elevator and my son had pushed the button.

"You're in Independent Bible Church?"

Sheepish me, "Yes."

She says, "No emergency?"

Me, "No emergency. I'm sorry!"

Chad told me Micah has also pushed the alarm button in that elevator. It makes a nice loud ringing sound. :) Guess we'll have to carefully guard the elevator buttons!


  1. So funny!!! Welcome to the world of boys! :)

  2. that's hilarious! I second that "welcome to the world of boys"!
