"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

2010 Recital

Recital time! Katie and Jenna both did a fantastic job on their pieces.

Tile...Smile :)

We had a great time with my parents here for a long weekend, and, of course, my dad had a project. :) This time he put tile in our downstairs bathroom. The cheap linoleum in there was looking pretty bad. Had looked bad for years. The tile looks WONDERFUL!

It was a new kind of tile-- Avaire-- that you don't have to use cement board underneath. It's like a floating floor.

Thanks, dad!

Fire Truck

This is the fire truck Micah got for his bday from Papa and Grammy. He really likes it!

So does Claire! :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Micah called 911 yesterday.

I had him in the stroller at church because he was in a childcare room with about 8 other older kids while I had handbells practice. (Figured he was safer in the stroller :) Can't do the steps in the stroller, so I went to the elevator-- which he LOVES. He loves the doors... and the buttons. I barely pushed the stroller in and he jabbed the closest button-- "Call for Help".

Guess what? That button automatically dials 911. Didn't know that, did you?

I suddenly heard a phone ringing and it was like we were on speaker phone in the elevator. Then a lady said, "911. Please state your emergency."

I explained to her that we were in an elevator and my son had pushed the button.

"You're in Independent Bible Church?"

Sheepish me, "Yes."

She says, "No emergency?"

Me, "No emergency. I'm sorry!"

Chad told me Micah has also pushed the alarm button in that elevator. It makes a nice loud ringing sound. :) Guess we'll have to carefully guard the elevator buttons!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Wolf Videos

Some fun videos from our waterpark adventure.


The rest of our trip was at Great Wolf Lodge-- an indoor waterpark in Williamsburg. Wonderful! We had so much fun. We were in the waterpark Thurs 6-9pm and then we slept in a room right in the lodge; and Fri the waterpark opened at 9am, so we were there from 9-5pm.

Mt. Vernon

Last week was our spring break. We had probably the most gorgeous weather ever for a mid-March spring break. 70's and sunny every day from Tues to Sun.

On Wed, we celebrated Jenna's bday with Chad's parents in PA. On Thurs morning, we left Micah with them and headed down to VA. Toured Mt. Vernon. Claire wasn't very excited with this whole part of the trip, but I think the other girls found it interesting. I really enjoyed it, but, really Monticello is more interesting.

Girls in front of the mansion.

George and Martha welcomed us kindly.

This pic is for my farmer family. This shelter covers the "Dung Repository" outside their stables.

There's wonderful to-scale replica of the house. The sides of the house go down into the case so you can see the rooms of the house. Fascinating how it's made just like they keep Mt. Vernon-- even down to the green tea cups on the table.

She's 8!

Last week was Jenna's bday-- and this is how we celebrated. Cupcakes, presents, a trip to the park on a gorgeous day.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Now it's like we live in Puerto Rico. I stepped out the door this afternoon to hear roosters crowing! One of our neighbors must have gotten chickens. Oh, boy. I wonder if they are fighting cocks like the ones I lived next door to in PR. :)

I pruned evergreen bushes this afternoon. (What's the difference between a shrub and a bush?) Was wonderful to be outside working in the yard again. There are still piles of snow in places, but after several days of 50's and low 60's, they are definitely shrinking.

Within this past week, my daffodils sprouted and now have buds coming. My tulips and several different perennials are also up. Yay!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Musical Bunch

Here's Micah. Just looking cute, and all grown up. :) He's 23 months old today!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Other news

Just asundry facts--

Katie tried out for, and got, a main part in our school's musical! It'll be near the beginning of May, and she has play practices every Sat (plus some during school hours) until then. She's excited! She really did a great job at her audition-- I was there helping to audition everyone-- don't worry, I kept my mouth shut when they were deciding whether she ought to have a part. :)

This is the first time our school's done anything of this magnitude, and it's fun, but a bit scary. I'm on the committee helping to pull this off-- I'm helping some with the music and some with administrative type things.

It's a musical based on Max Lucado's book, You Are Special. Very neat message.

Jenna has really been having fun with her recital piece-- she sits down and plays it regularly, without me prompting her. (Katie, on the other hand, has to be forced-- she is playing a piece that she thinks is too hard, but she's really learned a lot from it, and I think she's doing great)

Claire is exceedingly excited about the first birthday party she gets to go to-- one of her best friends from school-- Mar 13. And, she gets to go early and stay late because the rest of us are heading to Mechanicsburg to see the Sound of Music in which Chad's dad is playing trombone.

Micah-- he has learned to identify all his letters now, and he has a lot of fun pointing them out. He has also started singing the beginning of the alphabet song.

Fun for the whole family-- when we get him to try to say books of the Bible. He'll try to imitate anything! Some come out amazingly clear (like Habbakuk), but others like Deuteronomy come out like a jumble of syllables.

Handy for me-- he has gotten good at answering yes and no questions. Definitely simplifies things.

Micah really looks like a mess right now. His nose still has a red spot (altho it's not open anymore) where he scratches it while he sucks his thumb. And, this morning, he fell down the steps and hit the baseboard heater near the front door-- nice little lump and scratch on his head. He also still has a wound from last week when he fell into the trunk in our family room.

We're all ODD!

Yes, I turned 37 on Saturday-- and it was a fun day. Chad and the girls, esp Katie, did a lot to help make it nice. Katie made the yummy chocolate cake above.

And now we're all ODD! For 2 more weeks, until Jenna turns 8, we're all odd-- Chad and I are 37, Katie 11, Jenna 7, Claire 5, Micah 1. AND, Chad also figured out that on April 8 (when M turns 2), our ages will total 100. :)

On Sat, we went to Richard and Gabriele's house for raclette. It's a Swiss thing-- that we really enjoyed. Fun to do and fun to eat. If you look in the pic, on the middle of the table is a small oven/grill thing. Cooked potatoes are kept hot on the top. Each person has their own little pan that they load up with toppings-- onions, green onions, marinated red peppers, mushrooms, shrimp, pepperoni, ham, tomatoes, black olives-- and then you lay slices of cheese on top before sliding it under the potato part of the oven. That will heat all your toppings and melt the cheese. Then you put the potatoes on your plate and slide all your toppings onto the potatoes. VERY good!

The kids were also there, but they enjoyed cheese pizza at another table. :) Fun to be with friends on my bday.