"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Honor Society

Katie was inducted into Phi Thetta Kappa.  Kind of a funny little ceremony, and we found the song and pledge even funnier.  But, I sure am proud of her!  Only the students with great grades get into PTK.

Chad to DC

Easter Monday, Chad left early and headed to DC to check things out for a later family visit
Monumental Cheesiness

Black History Museum

Holocaust Museum


Collage of Easter photos, not in very good order.  We had a lovely day-- nice weather and beautiful company
Micah colored eggs with Kool-aid

Kids all sit on Jer and Dani's porch

Greyson is built-in entertainment. :) He's pulling himself up on things, it's fun to watch!

Dani made a delicious meal!

Jer and Chad hid Easter eggs for Micah-- one went too far into the hold in this tree, and landed in a bird's nest!

Cookie dough :)

Some small creature in that birdhouse

View of the lovely orchard and mountain behind their house

IBC Passion Play

Our church put on a Passion Play again this year.  It was fantastic!  What a blessing.  None of us was in it, but we facilitated as much as possible.  Did childcare a few times, provided food, helped serve food for cast, helped with parking. 
This is Sally the donkey :)

On Saturday, we attended the afternoon play and then went out to supper and hung out a bit before doing childcare for the evening showing

We were thrilled to have some of our friends attend the play with us!

Micah turns 9!

Happy birthday, Micah!!
He requested chicken noodle soup (from a can :), rolls, watermelon and green beans.

Pretty tasty cheeseburger!

Jenna's a driver!

She did it!  Jenna passed her written test for her permit.  Yikes! :)

April Fools Day

Chad and Micah had a lot of fun doing goofy things around the house


Chad's having fun observing the construction on the I81 bridge over the Potomac.  The covered walkway is for the C&O Towpath

Better than HGTV

We are loving our new wall arrangement!  Thanks to Katie for her help, advice, and the 2 canvas pieces.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

He learned to swim!

Micah has finally learned to swim!  For years, he strongly disliked water.  The lessons we got for him were not successful.  Recently, I heard about the Kids First Swim School in Hagerstown-- I researched it and set up 6 weeks of private lessons for Micah.  He's 4 weeks in, and he is doing great!!  Can swim across the width of the pool with only his feet.  

Academic Showcase

For Academic Showcase this year, Micah did a project on a boy's life in the 1700's.