"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, August 6, 2016

The Hundred Mile Bike Ride!!

So, instead of riding in our nice, cozy (really quite cramped) van all the way to my parents' house, Chad had us leave him at my aunt Joy's house in Lansing.  He stayed overnight on her new Murphy bed (see below!) and then headed out for a long day of biking.  I believe it only would have been 75ish miles if he'd gone straight there.  Instead, he squirreled around a bunch of Michigan and made it exactly 100 miles!

Grand Ledge

He had a great time talking to these kids and their mother, Michelle Wingier, who were selling lemonade along his route

Short rainstorm that he waited out under an Ace Hardware roof

Downtown Grand Rapids

Arrival!  Way to go, Chad!


  1. I wondered why it was exactly 100 miles... Now I understand :). Also, her name was Michelle Wingier??

  2. I echo Nate's sentiments... I thought it was just an alarming coincidence. Way to be CRAZY committed to the art of bike riding, Chad! Mad props to my big brother.
