"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Micah's friend Micah

Micah made a new friend!  Grandson of some friends of ours, visiting from Germany where his family is for a couple years.  These kids have got to be brothers-from-another-mother or something!  11 months apart.  Both love math and maps.  Both enjoy reading but not writing so much.  I think I'm going to try to hatch a plot to get them to be penpals. :) 
Gerri and I took the Micah's to Family Rec in Hagerstown.  They didn't care much for the go-karts, but they sure had fun on these inflatable water slides!!

MI Trip

Again, I didn't do very well getting them in order.  Sorry.  Just be glad they are on here!
Nathan up in loft

Katie and Jenna discovered the joy of a Michigan sunrise from Papa and Grammy's roof

Cheesy Chad :)

Some of us went to Shipshewana, IN, on Tuesday.  Enjoyed a fun (hot) day in Amish country.  This store, E&S, was so much fun that Micah said he wants to live there.  Later, he amended that to wanting to live on the border of IN and MI so he can visit MI family and go to the beach at Holland SP AND go to E&S regularly.

The store had a lot of fun things to look at, but the kids REALLY liked this part-- samples!

Lunch at Das Essenhaus.  

How did I get on the couch with all those cute young kids?

Micah and Logan

Visiting Gma Tiemeyer with Aunt Joy

My dad's corn and soybeans look great!

Katie powerwashed the driveway

Jenna did some weeding for my mom

Biggest slip and slide you ever saw...  Eric and Lea Anne know how to do it up big!

Adorable Jackson!  Fun age, cute and happy baby!

Best moment here had to have been when one of the kids got roasted marshmallow on the cushion of a folding chair and then another of the kids went and licked it off!  Wish I had seen this...

Adult night out-- we went to Elbo Room in Zeeland (I had the best salmon ever) and then Fuzzy Peach

Perfect day at the beach

Flea market at Shipshe

The quiet car I rode in.  Not!

Boden, Caleb, Jackson-- everyone enjoys the babies

This is the wall Katie painted in my parents' basement.  Made it look like a whole new room!

The Hundred Mile Bike Ride!!

So, instead of riding in our nice, cozy (really quite cramped) van all the way to my parents' house, Chad had us leave him at my aunt Joy's house in Lansing.  He stayed overnight on her new Murphy bed (see below!) and then headed out for a long day of biking.  I believe it only would have been 75ish miles if he'd gone straight there.  Instead, he squirreled around a bunch of Michigan and made it exactly 100 miles!

Grand Ledge

He had a great time talking to these kids and their mother, Michelle Wingier, who were selling lemonade along his route

Short rainstorm that he waited out under an Ace Hardware roof

Downtown Grand Rapids

Arrival!  Way to go, Chad!

Wonderful Wingert While (sorry, Jer, I'm pretty weak at alliteration :)

Chad's brother, Nathan, and his kids were on this side of the country for a couple weeks in July.  We spent tons of time together-- in PA, MD, WV, and DC.  Of course, the biggest attraction was Greyson-- thus, you will see many photos of him!
Madison and Lily with Jer and Dani and Greyson

Chad and Micah went to Gravelly Point to see airplanes taking off from Reagan National on their way to meet Nate's fam in DC

Lily, Caleb, Micah and Madison

Very hot day-- cooling off in WWII Memorial

The next day, all 5 of us (C was at camp) went to DC to spend the day with Nate's fam and Gpa and Gma

With our congressman's office, Chad had arranged a really great tour of the capitol.  Rather busy place.  And scaffolding is blocking the view, but we very much enjoyed it.

Anita by a statue of her relative, Pres Eisenhower

Hot day and we had to do a bunch of hurrying around the city to get to our capitol tour and then to get to the Washington Monument at our appointed time.  Was great to sit and rest!



Chad with Lily and Madison

A meal at our house

3 brothers ran a 5K in Hagerstown

Micah is just fascinated with his baby cousin!

View from atop the Wash.Monument

The main attraction!

Claire with Greyson

Jenna with Greyson