"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Ping Pong

This is very typical for when we play ping pong... table in driveway, Katie plays in bare feet, Micah watches and keeps score (however, he is getting better at playing, too!).
What is NOT typical is that now the kids beat the parents.  Arg.  That happened with Dutch Blitz, too!  We teach them a game and pretty soon, they are better than us.  What's the deal? :)  So, Jenna and Katie beat Chad and I, on different combinations, different games.  I'd like to blame my contacts, but that's really not accurate!  Krols, watch out!  


  1. Been there, done that... First, I quit arm wrestling undefeated - just before you kids were going to beat me. Then it was Dutch Mega Blitz.

  2. Ah! I remember you arm wrestling!

  3. Ah! I remember you arm wrestling!

  4. Uh-oh, Mike hasn't been able to practice in a long time!
