"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

K and J at IFCA

Last week Katie and Jenna went to Summit University (formerly BBC, soon to be Clarks Summit U, I believe) for the whole week.  IFCA youth convention.  They participated in quizzing nationals.  Jenna's team didn't do so hot-- I think they only won 1 of the 3 quizzes they did.  Double elimination, so they were out by Tuesday.  Katie's team did a great job!  They came in 3rd!  And it's so amazing, the material they memorize and are able to answer questions about.  
I have this one photo because I was blessed to be able to go up there on Thursday to see Katie's last 2 quizzes!  I rode with Pastor Mark and Gerri.  We had a fun trip, and I was so glad to be able to see the girls for a bit.  

Katie and Jenna also each quoted all their material to another coach at IFCA, called the "quoting challenge".  Jenna quoted all of Philippians and 3 chapters of Galatians in 11 minutes, no helps!
Katie quoted ALL of Philippians and ALL of Galatians in 21 minutes, no helps!
They sure do memorize well!  The poor person who had to listen to them... it's really hard to listen that fast!  

And, this was Katie's last year quizzing, so it was kind of sad to see it end.  Next year, Jenna will be a senior and Claire will be a novice.


  1. I love what they're doing with that and am glad to have watched so I know what it's like.

    Congrats to Katie and Jenna, and Katie's team!

  2. You know, it's amazing to watch, but the action is rather slow. :)
