"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Fun Holiday

Relaxing Independence Day at W's-- nice weather to play cards out on the deck.  Great that Jer and Dani could join us, as they impatiently wait for their overdue baby!

Ping Pong

This is very typical for when we play ping pong... table in driveway, Katie plays in bare feet, Micah watches and keeps score (however, he is getting better at playing, too!).
What is NOT typical is that now the kids beat the parents.  Arg.  That happened with Dutch Blitz, too!  We teach them a game and pretty soon, they are better than us.  What's the deal? :)  So, Jenna and Katie beat Chad and I, on different combinations, different games.  I'd like to blame my contacts, but that's really not accurate!  Krols, watch out!  

K and J at IFCA

Last week Katie and Jenna went to Summit University (formerly BBC, soon to be Clarks Summit U, I believe) for the whole week.  IFCA youth convention.  They participated in quizzing nationals.  Jenna's team didn't do so hot-- I think they only won 1 of the 3 quizzes they did.  Double elimination, so they were out by Tuesday.  Katie's team did a great job!  They came in 3rd!  And it's so amazing, the material they memorize and are able to answer questions about.  
I have this one photo because I was blessed to be able to go up there on Thursday to see Katie's last 2 quizzes!  I rode with Pastor Mark and Gerri.  We had a fun trip, and I was so glad to be able to see the girls for a bit.  

Katie and Jenna also each quoted all their material to another coach at IFCA, called the "quoting challenge".  Jenna quoted all of Philippians and 3 chapters of Galatians in 11 minutes, no helps!
Katie quoted ALL of Philippians and ALL of Galatians in 21 minutes, no helps!
They sure do memorize well!  The poor person who had to listen to them... it's really hard to listen that fast!  

And, this was Katie's last year quizzing, so it was kind of sad to see it end.  Next year, Jenna will be a senior and Claire will be a novice.

Jenna's Photography

Here We Go Again!!

Chad's bike ride down Memory Lane

Monday morning, July 4, we were at Chad's parents' house.  He got up early and rode bike to Harrisburg.  On the way back, he found some significant pieces of real estate...

The restaurant that used to be the Bonanza where he worked

The house on Lighthouse Drive that he mostly grew up in

Hampden Elementary School where he spent his first few years of formal education

Sleep Walker

Micah isn't normally a sleepwalker, but he did travel one night last week!  Chad found him sleeping here, on the floor of the bathroom.

Bike Ride

Chad took Claire and Micah to the Rail Trail for a lovely ride

...and a treat, of course!

Mystery Post

Does anyone recognize this place? 

Date Night

What a good daddy!  Chad took Claire out for a Boston Market supper and a shopping trip to Kohls.  He's so busy with work and everything else, and yet he takes time to do special things with the family.

Soccer Camp

Micah went to soccer camp last week!  It was his first time, and he did a great job!  It was a Fellowship of Christian Athletes Power Camp held at the church right by Grace.  They also walked to the soccer fields by Grace.  Mostly, he really enjoyed it and learned a lot.  He would tell you, tho, that he didn't like being so active. :)