"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Visit to my Grandma Tiemeyer

Gma T moved to Independence Village this past summer.  Conveniently for us, it's on the way home.  It was really nice to see her again and to be able to see where she lives now.  It's a really nice place!  She even has a walkout patio and has her dog Ginger living with her.
I didn't get very good pictures of inside the apartment, but below you can see her kitchen :)
Below are some old tin type photos.  I'm going to try to remember who the people are-- if you are someone who knows that I'm wrong, please correct me! The first one is my gma's grandparents.
The photo below is of John, Gma's brother who died in a car wreck when he was 17
The photo below is my Great Aunt Grada (gma's sister)
Below is Gma's parents, when they were young, and then when they were older, the way I remember them-- Grandpa and Grandma Cuckoo Clock to us.  (Visscher, really :)

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