"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Thursday, December 17, 2015

MI Thanksmas

Some mixed up photos from our MI trip-- arrived almost midnight Wed, had Thanksgiving with the fam, Fri did a little shopping/cleaning/decorating/eating pizza/celebrating bdays, Sat was Christmas with the fam, left for home after church and lunch on Sun!
The teen girls made dessert for Thanksgiving.  Mmm!  Katie made a chocolate trifle, Natalie made a pumpkin pie, and Jenna made chocolate chip cookie bars. 

Good thing mom and dad have this super-long table! We just about fill it up now

Eric's the turkey master. :)

Logan's showing off his place card

Claire loves reading to Levi.  Is his arm around her? :)

Chad, Micah, and Claire helped Papa clean up his messy workshop

And baby Jackson was the main source of entertainment for our girls!  So cute and cuddly!

My parents with all the grandkids

Singing Christmas carols

Teamwork setting up mom and dad's Christmas gift

Eric's work buddy, Nabor, invited us all to his house for Mexican food, open house style.  Great food!  (Except this nasty lollipop, that is!! Can't see the joy in that!)

Girls were always begging for a turn with Jackson

Bingo game with goofy gifts

Caleb and Logan's bday celebration


Boden... These pics are what happen when I let Claire go around and take photos :)

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