"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, November 17, 2014


It was a joy to have Micah home sick with me last week!  Even the sickness wasn't that bad (for either of 
us :).  It was a joy to have him home again, alone, with me for 3 days.  He had a cold and was too snotty and coughy to go to school, but he wanted to play with me a bunch.  He's such a social kid-- can't stand doing things by himself for too long.  It did very much change my plans for those 3 days, but we read books and did sidewalk chalk and welcomed our neighbor's pet (see next post) and baked things and played games and did Wii together and more.  This photo is what happened the first morning... As he and I were in the car after dropping Katie off at school, we listened to some recorded "Frances" books.  In one story, Frances runs away, under her kitchen table, and creates a hideaway.  It made me think that maybe if I created a hideaway for Micah, it would help to occupy him a bit.  He loved it.  Immediately made it his with the clothespin creation you see.  Then he wanted to know if I was baking the chocolate cake Frances's mother had made, so we worked on that next. 

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