"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, November 17, 2014

Our Short-term Pet

This is Mohinder, the bearded dragon we are pet-sitting for a time.  Our neighbors' house had an electrical fire, so they were unable to use any electricity.  They've now gotten some electricity (good thing so their dogs and cats don't freeze on these cold nights), but the demolition has begun.  The fire messed up a bunch of their wiring as well as many appliances, etc.  They are still living in a hotel.  We offered to help, and Jessica very soon called me up and asked if we could keep Mo for them.  It's been a fascinating new experience.  Some days, he hasn't moved at all.  In fact, I was fairly certain he'd died the other day.  Then I turned on a loud hair dryer nearby and he opened his eyes.  Doesn't eat much.  I offer fruits and vegetables and meat chunks.  Jessica said she'll bring over crickets some day.  He likes to sit on his heated rock.  These are real great pictures of him.  It's a little hard to get good ones because his tank is rather large with a high walls. 

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