"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, August 18, 2014

Katie's party

For Katie's 16th birthday, we wanted something easy and fun-- decided to have it at the church Outback.  Then we didn't know who not to invite, so we invited almost everyone, I think.  Ended up with almost 100 people.  Easiest party I've ever done.  Chad's mom and dad and brother Jer and his wife Danielle helped us with decor.  We brought a bunch of cookies and desserts, and a few other people offered to bring a dessert.  Then we just hung out for 3 hours!  Teens played soccer and volleyball and had a great time!  Little kids played on the playground.  Adults talked and ate.  I wish I had more pics, but you get the idea. 
It was beautiful weather, and I sure appreciate all the people who came out to wish Katie a happy birthday!!  She felt really blessed and so did I!

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