"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, August 25, 2014

Book/Wingert Get-Together

Chad's Aunt Loine and Uncle Jeff pulled their trailer out to PA, all the way from CA. Since they were in the area, we had a get-together at Don and Anita's for the relatives nearby: Don and Anita, the 6 of us, Jer and Dani, Aunt Fran, Mike and Kay and their daughter Chelsea, and Jeff and Loine.
Fun time!  Wish we could have fit in more time, of course.  The beginning of school is always so busy for us.  Well, I guess life is busy for us. :) 
Micah and Jenna had fun with Jeff and Loine's dog

Rousing game of croquet-- the whole time I was behind, but it ended up working to my advantage when people became Poison.  I almost won!  He-he!  Wouldn't that have been funny?  The player with the least amount of croquet skill...

This was some argument or another.  Maybe that's why this family likes croquet-- another good chance for competition and argument

The winner!  Yay, Jer!

Still celebrating Katie's bday

Fran, Chelsea, Kay

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