"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, June 2, 2014

Chad's Latest Bike Adventure

I think this is the only photo we have to remember Chad's latest bike trip.  After we spent time with his family at Laurel Lake (in PA), the rest of us rode in the van home in time for my 6 piano students.  (Yes, they wanted a lesson on Memorial Day-- crazy, huh?  I made it optional-- they wanted to go for it-- and I'm not gonna refuse the $90)
Chad rode his bike home from there.  More than 50 miles.  Maybe 56?  He's not been able to ride too much this spring yet, so the last 20 were a tough pull.  Esp on the uphills.  
Here you can see that he REALLY enjoyed his McD pitstop. :)

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