"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, June 2, 2014

Brag on Jenna, Claire, and Micah

It's always a joy to see what awards our kids get at the end of the school year... definitely gives an insight into the strengths God gave them.

Friday was their last day of school-- ending with awards ceremonies in each of their classes.

My favorite of Jenna's awards is the Citizenship Award.  This is the best one, in our opinion!  It is voted on by all her teachers, and is awarded to a student who excels academics AND Christian character.  Go, Jenna!

Claire's teacher made everyone chuckle when she announced that Claire won the Creative Writing award because she was always writing something at school, filling several notebooks this year.  And that doesn't even take into account all the writing she does at home!  She says that when she sees a sharp pencil, she feels this irresistible urge to write something or draw.  Funny, I don't get those urges. :)

Micah had a small class, of only 13 students.  He received 3 awards that were very telling-- the music award, the math award, and the reading award.  His teacher told everyone that maybe the music award came from his mother, the math from his father, and the reading from his grandmothers!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, these are some impressive honors! I am one proud uncle. Way to be awesome, Upstanding Citizen Jenna and Creative Writer Claire and Multi-talented Musician/Mathematician/Reader Micah!
