"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Friday, June 20, 2014

Guess what movie Katie watched recently


Chad, Katie, and Jenna went to Cedar Ridge for a free adventure day-- did some low ropes course activities and a zip line!

Boys' Canoe Trip

Micah and Daddy took another canoe ride down the Potomac.  Towed a couple little boats as well. 
I dropped them off at the river access in our development; picked them up in Williamsport.

Claire's (and my) musical

Our choir did Blast Off!  Kids loved it; adults loved it.  The best part was the kids singing Indescribable with finger lights on both pointer fingers.  

Micah's Musical

Sunday, June 1, Micah's children's choir (King's Kids) had their little 10-15 minute musical.  He had a solo!  Did a fantastic job!  And he sure looked adorable doing it. :)

Awards Day

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Claire-- "It's annoying when we eat chicken with bones.  I wish God would just inflate them instead."

Monday, June 2, 2014

Chad's Latest Bike Adventure

I think this is the only photo we have to remember Chad's latest bike trip.  After we spent time with his family at Laurel Lake (in PA), the rest of us rode in the van home in time for my 6 piano students.  (Yes, they wanted a lesson on Memorial Day-- crazy, huh?  I made it optional-- they wanted to go for it-- and I'm not gonna refuse the $90)
Chad rode his bike home from there.  More than 50 miles.  Maybe 56?  He's not been able to ride too much this spring yet, so the last 20 were a tough pull.  Esp on the uphills.  
Here you can see that he REALLY enjoyed his McD pitstop. :)

Mrs. Leasure Retires

Sharon Leasure is retiring.  Grace Academy will miss her sorely, but I'm so happy for her!  She just became a grandma, and her husband is retired, and her 95-year-old mom is still in good health.  She's going to have a wonderful time with her family. 
All 4 of our kids had her for kindergarten, and I couldn't ask for a better kindergarten teacher for them!  So glad Micah was still able to have her before she retired!
Here she's looking at the recipes the class collected for her.

Lots of fun on party day-- it was chilly and misty, but we still played some water games.  Read Stand Back Said the Elephant I'm Going to Sneeze! Ate retirement cake and ice cream.  Had a candy scramble.  Enjoyed a visit from Mario.  And emptied the kids' desks.

Micah at Antietam Recreation

Grace went to Antietam Rec last Wed-- Micah's first time there.  He really looked forward to it, and it lived up to his expectations.  He had a GREAT day!

He did the zipline probably 8-10 times!

Sneaked in a pic of Jenna... :) 

Memorial Day

Memorial Day with all the eastern Wingerts-- beautiful day at Laurel Lake

We took quite a hike... best part was Micah's enthusiasm for finding all the blue blazes that marked the trail.  

Gma's discovery-- the snake sunning itself while hundreds of people walked past


Somehow, this spring, we can't get enough of the greenness.  It's like we're still hungry for the color.  We were saying yesterday that we can't imagine living in a place like Saudi Arabia or something-- where we would not see so much color. 
Jenna and Claire soaking up some rays

3 kids playing soccer-- used jump ropes as the goals.  They had a ton of fun with this!

Brag on Jenna, Claire, and Micah

It's always a joy to see what awards our kids get at the end of the school year... definitely gives an insight into the strengths God gave them.

Friday was their last day of school-- ending with awards ceremonies in each of their classes.

My favorite of Jenna's awards is the Citizenship Award.  This is the best one, in our opinion!  It is voted on by all her teachers, and is awarded to a student who excels academics AND Christian character.  Go, Jenna!

Claire's teacher made everyone chuckle when she announced that Claire won the Creative Writing award because she was always writing something at school, filling several notebooks this year.  And that doesn't even take into account all the writing she does at home!  She says that when she sees a sharp pencil, she feels this irresistible urge to write something or draw.  Funny, I don't get those urges. :)

Micah had a small class, of only 13 students.  He received 3 awards that were very telling-- the music award, the math award, and the reading award.  His teacher told everyone that maybe the music award came from his mother, the math from his father, and the reading from his grandmothers!