"Your faithfulness continues through all generations." Ps. 119:90

Monday, April 7, 2014

My Dream by Claire E. Wingert

My Dream by Claire E. Wingert

As Mom tucked
Me in goodnight,
I began to see
An eye-popping sight!

Two purple horses
Flew up high,
Happily exploring
A sweet-smelling sky.

A fountain pouring
Gallons of liquid gold.
"Welcome to your dream!"
I was told.

And a bonfire!
With sparks more thick than a tree,
Flying farther than 
The human eye can see!

Two young children,
Making merry--
Catching sparkles
From the Tooth Fairy.

Then I began to rise!
Over this land I did rule,
When Mom said,
"It's time for school!"

And I shall never
Forget that night,
When I dreamed
Such a wondrous sight.

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